
History is Fun

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Chain of Command: German Platoon Complete

Hi everyone.

Well I finally completed my 15mm German WWII platoon for Chain of Command. I had painted the commander and the panzerschreck team first and then I did one of the squads. Today I finished up the other two squads of infantry.

This is the base platoon and I will work on adding additional miniatures to be able to have options from a complete list in the rules.  This is a late war Platoon and it is organized as depicted below.

A graphic I used to create my platoon based on the organization for the core rules.
So here are the pictures of how the platoon looks.

The full Platoon

Another view of the Platoon
So here are close ups of the individual squads.

1st Squad, this is newly painted this week
2nd Squad, this is also one of the squads I painted this week
Here is the 3rd Squad, this is the first squad I had painted

So here is the base force. I have a number of tanks painted up already for support but I will start working on the other types of support that the Germans can have.

Have a good weekend!!!


  1. Very nice indeed. I look forward to meeting these guys on the table. My summer Project is a matching force of russians in summer gear.

    1. That sounds great! I look forward to seeing the Soviets on the table! I have the miniatures to work on a Soviet Platoon as well. I was thinking of running a campaign called Konigsberg 1945, Westwind. I can print out a copy for you to look at.

  2. Nice effect with the rifle team bases!

    1. Thank you! I like the team bases, it makes it easier to keep everything organized and move forces on the table.

  3. Excellent TOE graphic and good looking figures. Are those Command Decision/Skyrex figures?

    1. Thank you! The figures are a mix of Skytrex and Battlefront figures. The 3rd Squad is all Skytrex, 1st and 2nd only have 3 figures each that are Skytrex, the LMG team and the Panzerfsaust figure. The command stand and the panzerschrek are from Skytrex as well.
      The Russians I bought to build a platoon with will all be Skytrex.
      more to miniatures to come.

  4. Good work, groups seem to be effective.
    These war games are strange for me
    I have not ever played the dices style...

    1. HI Maximex!
      Thanks for checking out my blog! The wargames are great fun. I would suggest finding a simple set of rules that does not require a lot of miniatures to start off with or find a local club and try some out. Since you like aircraft I would recommend Check Your Six!
      Have a great day!

  5. Nicely done sir, they look great!

    1. Thank you Phil!
      I hope they will perform well on the battlefield as well!

  6. Ahh, its gaming time soon! They look amazing, really love the flocking used (what brand did you go for??) and your choice of round command bases!

    1. Thank you Soren! I used the brand that is available at Alphaspel, it is the Galeforce Nine brand. I learned about the basing from Jesper and how he had based his command figures. It is important to ID the leaders in Chain of Command. The loss of a leader can have major consequences.

      Yes soon it will be gaming time!!!
      Have a good week!


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