Sorry for not posting more often but I have been pretty busy with a number of different projects and activities.
Today I will show you a recent purchase from a member of my wargaming club. It was a great buy as I received two boxes of terrain as well as Italian and Finnish miniatures painted up as Swedish to add to my one squad of Swedish infantry I painted up. I also got some more Swedish vehicles and tanks.
Here is the terrain:
Here are the Swedish items I recieved before rebasing:
Also included in the deal was a whole bunch of Soviet infantry and Tanks. The only thing I am doing with all this is rebasing and giving them a quick brushing with some dull coat.
Here are the Soviets:
So here are the Swedish Infantry that I have painted and the ones that I purchased. In all I now have just under a Platoons worth of Infantry. I just need to paint up two LMG's and the Platoon leader base and I will be done with the Swedish.
I also got some 15mm miniatures and a cool ass E-75 tank from HEER 46. The tank looks awesome. I will do a separate post once I start working on the tank.